TikTok videos hashtag #muharram2023


Muharram is in just over a month, it’s a really important time for us shias to talk abt the tragedy of Karbala and the murdering of Ahlul bayt. It allows us to emphasize the importance of their sacrifices for us all to call ourselves muslims today. Without us talking ant the events every year, the stories of ahlul bayt would have gotten lost years ago. We use muharram as a time to remind ourselves and others of the tragic events that occured and to gather as a part of the ummah to mourn Imam Hussain (as), son of imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), the propher (saw)’s family and the martyrs of karbala. A lot of shias will prepare for muharram prior in order to further educate and prepare ourselves for the months of Muharram and Sifr (many members of ahlul bayt were murdered at this time) and to get closer to Allah swt through the prophet (saw) and his family (as) #muharram #islam #muharram2023


The Imam said: "You are a free person as your mother named you Hurr (free). You are free in this world as well as in the Hereafter. You should dismount now:' He said: "Will it not be better that I should combat with these horsemen for some time and dismount after attaining the honor of martyrdom?" The Imam replied: "May Allah bless you. You may do as you like". Hurr returned to the people of Kufa and began talking to those persons who were his colleagues and fellow-soldiers an hour earlier. He reproached them for their betrayal and faithlessness and spoke thus to the army of which he himself had been a commander: "O people of Kufa! May you die and may Allah make your mothers mourn. You invited this servant of Allah, and when he accepted your invitation and came to you, you withheld your assistance from him. You, who promised earlier that you would sacrifice your lives for his sake, have encircled him today and have drawn your swords to kill him. You have besieged him and made it impossible for him to breathe. You are troubling him from every side and do not wish that he should be free, and he and the members of his family should find refuge somewhere. You have made him helpless like a captive. You have deprived him and his women, children and companions of the water of the river Euphrates which is drunk by all Muslims and non-Muslims, and in which the desert birds of Iraq bathe. They are almost exhausted on account of thirst. How badly you have treated the descendants of the Holy Prophet after him! If you do not repent even now, and do not abandon the idea of killing him, Allah will not quench your thirst on the Day of Judgment". However, within less than an hour his spirit underwent a change and he suddenly began to crave for martyrdom. He became so self-sacrificing in the path of truth that he could no longer content himself with worldly thoughts and hope for life; he did not forsake eternal happiness. Allah says: Allah is the Guardian of the believers. He takes them out of darkness into light. (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:257) #hurribnriyahi #karbala #shia #imamsajjadع #imamhussainع❤️ #muharram #ashura #muharram2023 #martyrs


ویکھ ظلماں دی انتہا غازیؑ😭🚩#muharram2023


4Days Left in Muharram💔🥹…….. insta.Rehan.Raees110🔐#mrrehan799 #muharram2023