TikTok videos hashtag #cogovernance


Check our bio/linktree for full event details! Join us on the 28th in Mt Eden as we debunk the "Stop Co-Governance tour", directly after their presentation. And yes, the debunk will be recorded and posted online. We'll also be providing print-outs to give to attendees. *WANT TO HELP? We're looking for a sound system for the presentation, if you're able to help, please get in touch ASAP #cogovernance #racism #māori #orakei #mteden #auckland #tāmaki #indigenous #decolonise #colonisation #democracy #landback


An extremely uncomfortable watch as this outnumbered man challenges a racist homophobic evangelist. Footage from Debunking Conspiracies Aotearoa (FB) Littlewood treaty: Julian lies about the meaning/translation of the te reo Māori treaty, saying the Littlewood treaty is a direct translation. He thinks the Waitangi Tribunal’s English version of the te reo Māori version is a lie… and of course, Julian doesnt speak te reo Māori… #cogovernance #aotearoa #nz #racism #tetiritiowaitangi #indigenous #


Hayward Norman attended the Stop Co-Governance tour stop in Mata, Ruakākā. This 68yo Ngāti Kuri and Ngāpuhi descendent was rudely shouted down and abused by Julian and his supporters during the Q+A session. "It’s quite heartbreaking to see this happening to our elders. I think it’s a reminder that we need people to attend not only to hold Julian accountable but also as a reminder that our old people need support in these spaces too. Tiaki tō kaumatua!" said Sharneece Joyce, who supplied this footage. 28TH 7PM - MT EDEN: The next tour stop is on Tuesday in Mt Eden. We’re throwing a counter event during and after, find the details in our bio/link tree! #racism #cogovernance #māori #aotearoa #nz


OMG it's another Co-governance video 🤯🇳🇿. Just hear me out 🙏🏼💚 #cogovernance #maori #pakeha #nztiktok #nzeuropean #nzpolitics


A community discussion on co-governance at Te Herenga Waka o Ōrewa Marae left some attendees with more questions than answers #cogovernance #nz #nztiktok #aotearoa