TikTok videos hashtag #velaris


I’m literally emotional. I’m here—in Zermatt Switzerland, for the sole reason of viewing what Velaris would look like. And it is extraordinary💫 #acotar #acomaf #velaris #cityofstarlight #rhysand #feyre #cassian #azriel #innercircle #amren #mor #acourtofthornsandroses #acourtofmistandfury #zermatt #zermattswitzerland #switzerland


I used AI to make some ACOTAR characters . This is how envision them. If its not how you do that is ok! Use AI to create your own. I also coukdnt make bat wings or certain attributes work as described in the books! I tried my best! #acotar #acotarseries #sarahjmaasbooks #rhysand #rhys #feyre #feyrearcheron #azriel #cassian #nesta #elain #suriel #velaris #velariscityofstarlight


no because this is EVERYTHING 🤩🌌⛰️🖤✨ @Reading Portal™️ #BookTok #acotar #velaris #booknook #acourtofthornsandroses