TikTok videos hashtag #bhx


It’s the most wonderful time if the year! Something exciting is happening at BHX on Monday! 🎄stay tuned to see! #BHX #BirminghamAirport #Birmingham #Christmas #Exciting


Từ ngày 24-25-26/11 khi mua 1 hộp Cafe Phố, bạn sẽ nhận ngay 1 ly nhựa siêu ngầu, siêu đẹp luôn đó nha. Áp dụng khi mua online và mua tại siêu thị luôn. Nhanh tay mua ngay mấy bà ơi #bachhoaxanh #bhx #bhxonline #bachhoaxanhluong10tr1thang


I visited Clubrooms at BHX 🛩️ I find airports can be so hectic and stressful and this is a great way to start off your trip. If you’re looking for abit of relaxation and luxury whilst you’re at the airport Clubrooms are the one🥂 #airport #BHX #clubrooms #luxury #travel