TikTok videos hashtag #apartheid


This is how the #whiteprivilege looks like in the post #apartheid #southafrica #Workingclass black people are getting ready to leave the rich part of #CapeTown, where predominantly white people live. This is why #intersectionality is important. Class + race


It’s 371 years ago today since the Dutch first arrived in the Cape of Good Hope. You might think whites-only settlements are a thing of the past in South Africa. But, even post-apartheid, they still exist. Welcome - or rather not - to Orania. #orania #southafrica #southafrican #southafricantiktok #apartheid #capetown #dutch #whitesonly #whites #black #blacks


Apartheid is a spectre that still haunts south african society to this day, and without a reflection on how it initially ended it is difficult for the society to ever move forward. #apartheid #politicstiktok #southafrica #politics


l'Il never forgive black People for not using witchcraft during apartheid #people #apartheid #forgiveness #fyp


White South African billionaire Elon Musk has accused opposition leader Julius Malema of inciting genocide against Whites - by singing the anti-apartheid song ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer’ during his EFF party’s 10th anniversary bash. Malema replied to Musk’s post with “O bolela mas*pa” - “You’re talking sh*t.” His singing the song has sparked controversy before. In 2022, South Africa’s High Court exonerated the politician of hate speech after he was sued by a rights group over a rendition. The song emerged during the struggle against apartheid. The term ‘Boer’ means farmer in Afrikaans, the language spoken by South Africans of Dutch descent. However, in the South African context, it loosely refers to all White people who are of Dutch origin, the group that dominated the apartheid-era government. So when freedom fighters sang about ‘shooting the Boer,’ they were not talking about shooting individual Boers, but about bringing down the racist, oppressive system of apartheid. And in 2023, when EFF supporters sing about shooting the Boer, they are talking about ridding the country of the vestiges of that system, which perpetuate the economic misery that many Black South Africans still live under. It hardly seems credible that a man who has taken people into space can fail to understand this, so Musk must know that Malema is not asking his supporters to kill White people. But his selective anger is understandable: as a beneficiary of apartheid policies, Musk won’t like a song that energises young people to break the system that paved the way for him to become the world’s richest man. Musk comes from a wealthy South African family that, in the 1980s, was said to have had the nicest house in Pretoria, the seat of the apartheid government. His father, Errol Musk, owned and ran a construction company that made a fortune through doing business with the regime. He was also a co-owner of an emerald mine in Zambia. So it is not difficult to understand why Mr X would be angry at people wanting to dismantle the remnants of the apartheid system. #African #elonmusk #JuliusMalema #southafrica #Zambia #Apartheid