TikTok videos hashtag #bismillahimasyaallah


alhamdulillah after 3 years 🙈❤️#bismillahimasyaallah


MasyaAllah Tabarakallah. Haleeq 2 bulan lebih masa ni ❤️ Rindunya bau newborn. Seronok tgk orang lain yg sebaya Haleeq dah ada adik, moga lepasni ada rezeki sekali lagi nak timang baby girl pulak 😍 #bismillahimasyaallah #newborn #baby #fypシ


#bismillahimasyaallah introducing my first penghuni rahim🤰🏼Muhammad syafiq hilman🥹❤️ #onemonth #sisgarau #firstpregnancy


#bismillahimasyaAllah "Kenapa Aisyah jarang post berdua dgn Alif?"

Aisyah rasa sepanjang 6 tahun kahwin, inilah yg paling mencabar. Mentally & physically exhausted, mencabar iman & kesetiaan apatah lagi dalam kesihatan tubuh badan yg sgt terhad. Tak ada pasangan yg nak hadap perkara ini. Tak ada pasangan yg nak hadap pendatang luar masuk ke dalam keluarga. But it's happening to us, and I have to be strong to face this. Otherwise, we'll lose this battle. 

In 6 years, I have never allowed anyone to get into my heart. Because I know, this is a respect for my husband. And, no men dare to get closer to me. I really mind my gap & distance from men. For me, my husband deserves 100% of my love, heart, care & attention. I don't seek attention from other men, it's totally a foolish thing to do as a wife. And other women should respect the gap too. If you know that it is someone's husband, dont you ever dare to flirt or even pretend to be mentally unstable to seek attention & care.

At first, it was so difficult for me to bear everything. I didnt know how many tears dropped from my eyes, how much pain I endured. Everything was so painful for me. I lose weight to 44kg. People kept asking "Aisyah kenapa susut?" and I didnt have any answer to those. For me, I looked physically normal, but for people who saw me often, they saw me changing. 

Betul kata orang, hari isteri jarang salah. Aisyah mula rasa sesuatu yg tak kena. Dan, bila Aisyah tanya pada ustaz, ada yg kata nampak sesuatu pada Alif dan ada niat seseorang utk merosakkan rumah tangga. Wallahu a'lam. First, I brought him to see Ust Syafiq, if that would help. And, after we're diagnosed, it was 'ain hasad dengki'. Ada yg nampak macam-macam lagi, ada juga yg tak nampak apa-apa. For me, I didnt know because I couldnt see it with my naked eyes. Alhamdulillah lepas balik, dah bincang & buat apa ustaz suruh, I saw improvements in him. But, my pain continued. I lived in that misery for almost 2 weeks. And, I couldnt give up now. No matter what, I needed to fight for my marriage without another person coming into the picture. Second, I brought him to Ust Halim, and my efforts didn't stop there. We went to Kelantan to see Abah (Azza's father) and Alhamdulillah all 'bad things' had already diminished

Ust said, something happened to us & eventually will destroy the marriage if we're not strong enough for each other. In this case, I make Wirid Sakran a daily routine & keep motivating myself to stay strong & believe Allah will give us the very best. He'll turn us back to what we used to be. That time, I was physically & mentally in pain. Losing appetite, weight, but trying to show another persona of 'nothing happens' at the office & social media. Doing live streams like how I used to.

This will take time to heal. But if we're strong for each other, we'll win this battle. Our hearts are Allah's. He can give you 'love' and take it back anytime. Thank you to whoever is involved (you know who you are) for supporting me along this journey. I wouldnt have done this far without you. Friends, in-laws, staff, you guys are my strength.