TikTok videos hashtag #klausschwab


Klaus Schwab basking in his own self importance during the “world government summit”. You heard him..The world is too complicated for us. We’re just not able to understand the complexity of this fast changing world dynamic. Him & his little lobby think they have some kind of say.. They think they can decide how we run things. Just because they have money and can host snooty, exclusive events for them and their important rich friends (where you get bribed or shaken down). They pretend it’s innovation but they’re just gaining power and pushing for more censorship, less transparency, more centralisation of power. They need total control because the public is not buying it. So they use propaganda. It’s a pr campaign. #gaslighting #liars #shwab #klausschwab #worldgovernment


Anyone that will accept this ' brain chip ' deserves becoming literally an npc bot 🤣 #klausschwab #news #tranhumanism #politics #politicaltiktok #fyp