TikTok videos hashtag #auroraborealis


With me you know what you pay for: I start my northern light hunt from Rovaniemi, Finland and drive all over Finland HE , Sweden = , or Norway # if needed to offer you the most magical night ever. No point to stay around Rovaniemi if there is a cloudy sky. It's my job and my duty. And if one day I fail, you would pay only for the gas (split by the amount of participants) So don't waste your time anymore with the cheap "BBQ cloudy sky" tours. #rovaniemi #finland #visitfinland #auroraborealis #auroreboreale #northernlights #auroraboreal #polarlichter #polarlight #laponie #lapland #laponiefinlandaise #norvege #norway #aurorahunting #aurorahunters


The totally insane northern lights tonight in Lofoten, Norway #norge #auroraborealis


Važne vesti!! Pogledajte nebo veceras ka severu ali nisko ka horizontu da li se crveni! Idite negde što više u krak da bi bolje videli. Ako vidite to je polarna svetlost koja je danas zabeležena na našem području što je baš retkost! Tako da oči otvorene, kamere spremne i javite ako nešto vidite! Hvala @NaukaGovori @scienceduchess za dojavu! #nauka #samonauka #polarnasvetlost #aurora #auroraborealis #northernlights