TikTok videos hashtag #politics


Women in politics or that want to go into politics one day deserve so much more credit. #political #USA #edit #democrat #politicaledit #politics #aoc #hillaryclinton


Prime minister Rishi Sunak has said “a man is a man and a woman is a woman, it is just common sense”, in his closing speech at the Conservative Party Conference. Addressing the conference, Mr Sunak said: “It shouldn’t be controversial for parents to know what their children are being taught in school about relationships." #politics #news #trendingvideo #torypartyconference #toryparty #politics #rishisunak


Rishi Sunak says "we shouldn't get bullied" into believing that "people can be any sex they want to be". #RishiSunak #ConservativePartyConference #CPC23 #Sunak #Politics #Gender #BBCNews


The story about the little boy who asked his dad “what are politics?”… #joke #storytime #story #humor #politics #hiddengems #mindset #mentality


A protester throws glitter over Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer during his conference speech. #news #labour #starmer #uknews #politics #ukpolitics #labour #c4news #channel4news