TikTok videos hashtag #remotejob


🤯 One of my best pieces of job interview advice is to think about every question backwards. Don’t think “hmm, what is my answer to this question…” Instead think “what answer do they want to hear and how do I fit into that?” “Tell me about yourself?” ❌ Don’t tell them about yourself. ✅ Tell them about you, their next favorite hire. “Why do you want to work here?” ❌ Don’t talk about how you heard it pays well and will look good on your resume ✅ Tell them about how you want to contribute value to a company you believe in. “Tell me about a time when…?” ❌ don’t ramble about some half baked memory you have. ✅ tell them about your character and how you behave in difficult situations Always answer the question behind the question 🧐 keep it positive, keep it forward, keep it you. There’s only one you! ☀️ You got this! 👏🏼 #career #careeradvice #careertok #careercoach #careetiktok #hrtiktok #job #jobinterview #interviewquestions #LifeAdvice #howto #wfh #remotejob #salary #edutok #howtotiktok