TikTok videos hashtag #1010sales


Get These for Just 1 Ringgit! In 4 days, we are having a 10.10 sale on our official website. From 12 am to 2 am, you can get one of these items for just RM 1. So, what options do you have? Well, first, we have our Natural Repair Travel Kit that is perfect to carry in your bag. It includes shampoo, body wash, and hand cream, all in convenient travel-sized tubes. It’s full with vitamin C from Sea Buckthorn, so they will keep your skin super moisturized. The second item is our Organic Jojoba oil. It is rich in fatty acids and has strong antioxidant properties that can help improve stretch marks and scars. Best part is that you can also use this as a facial oil to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The last item is a facial cleanser. This gentle cleanser contains Damask rose essential oil that keeps our skin clean and hydrated. It's suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Visit our official website for more information and see you at the 10.10 sale! #theolivetree #theolivetreecompany #1010tiktokshoppingsale #1010sales #rm1deals #cleanbeauty #naturalskincare #travelkit #jojobaoil #facialcleanser #longervideos


Bawa banyak barang? Muat banget dong☺️ #1010sales #fyp #fypdongggggggg #ikatiket #backpack


STANDBY ❗️❗️❗️ Kita akan buat Sale Gila-Gila esok dalam live 😍❤️ Jangan lupa borong bag favorite korang 🤭🤍 #1010sales #bigsale1010 #live #bagviral #larissabag #bagmurah