TikTok videos hashtag #singaporelife


💡6 months living in Singapore thaught me this🤓 🥶Always bring a jacket, the air conditioning is so cold in malls and cabs.. ☔️ It can go from blue sky to pouring rain within minutes - always bring an umbrella! 🗣️ People here speak Singlish which combines elements of Chinese and Malay. Can can! 🐒 It is not allowed to feed any monkeys - it will cost you $5000 dollar❌ 📸There are surveillance cameras everywhere - don’t do something stupid! #livinginsingapore #singaporelife #sglife #singaporeexpat #expatlife #newcountry #sgliving #singlish


❌Illegal things in Singapore that will cost you a lot of money💰💰💰 - Not flushing the toilet costs you $150🚽 - Fishing when you are not supposted to costs you $3000 🐟 - For illegal overnight parking you pay $2000🚗 - Taking your dog to a place where it is not allowed can cost you up to $2000🐶 - Wasting water can cost you up to $1000💦 #illegalthings #finecity #fine #donotdothis #singaporelife #notallowed #singaporethings #finecitysingapore


👍👎Pros and Cons about living in Singapore🇸🇬 Pro👍 - Tap water: You can drink water straight from tap which you won’t find in many other countries!💦 - It is so secure that you can leave your bag unattended and it won’t get stolen!🔐 - You find the most beautiful beaches within 15’ from the city centre!🏝️ Con👎 - Mosquitoes are your best friends when going into nature or on a hike!🦟 - The air condition is so strong in malls, stores and cabs. I even need a blanket at the hairdresser🥶 - It is a fine city: Do not get caught feeding a monkey - it costs you $5000💰 #singapore #sglife #livinginsingapore #singaporelife #singaporefacts #prosandcons


🫠Singaporean habits I still can’t get used to.. 1️⃣Waving at the bus so that it stops. I still forget it sometimes and then it drives past me🥲 2️⃣Eating noodles for breakfast seems to be the most normal thing in Asia. I am still craving my cereal every morning😂🥣 3️⃣In Singapore everyone takes off their shoes before entering an apartment. In switzerland, guests usually leave their shoes on👟 4️⃣Standing on the left side of the elevator. Its the opposite in Switzerland🙈 #singaporelife #sgfacts #weirdhabits #livinginsingapore #expatlife #expatlivingsg #onlyinasia #asianthings


💡1 year living in Singapore taught me this🇸🇬 I thave been living in Singapore as a Swiss expat for 1 year and I love this place from the bottom of my heart🥹🇸🇬 Some things I learnt the past year about the lion city are in this video☺️ #livinginsg #sglife #singaporelife #sgfacts #singaporefacts #finecity #chickenrice #expatsingapore #sgexpat #expatlife #movingtosingapore


this is our my own personal budget, cost may vary per person. 🇵🇭 #fyp #ofwsg #singapore #foryoupage #ofwsgtiktokers🇵🇭🇸🇬 #singaporeliving #livinginsingapore #singaporelife #singaporelife🇸🇬 #xybca #xy #pinoytiktok