TikTok videos hashtag #hotdog


Upside down Hot Dog puffs I made this due to high demand 😋 Ingredients: Ready rolled puff pastry Hot dog sausages Egg yolk Mustard Ketchup Oil 1. Preheat the oven to 180c/350f. Drizzle a little oil on a lined baking sheet. Slice the sausages lengthways and place flat side onto the baking sheet. 2. Cut the puff pastry to length and place on top of the sausage. Brush with egg yolk and bake for 20 minutes until puffed up and golden. 3. Turn the hotdogs over and spread mustard and ketchup. Bring the two halves together and enjoy! #hotdog #upsidedownpastry #puffpastryrecipe #recipes #hotdogpuff