TikTok videos hashtag #indiansingulf


As per FEMA, banks who are acting as Authorised Dealers can allow remittance/s upto USD 1 million, of balances in NRO accounts/of sale proceeds of assets on production of an undertaking by the remitter together with a certificate issued by a Chartered Accountant subject to payment of all applicable taxes. This is applicable for remittance of the sale proceeds of the property which was bought out of Rupee funds in compliance with FEMA. If the property is residential there is a cap of maximum 2, which can be repatriated. #indiansingulf #indiansineurope #indiansintheus #indiansincanada #indiansintheuk #nri #nonresidentindians #indiansindubai #indiansinuae #indiansinqatar #indiansinbharain #indians #indiansinkuwait #nri #nriaccount #nonresidentindians #rfcaccount #indiansabroad #returiningindians #nriindians #indiansinoman #indianamericans #nriproblems #financetips #taxplanning #financereel #nriservices #finance