TikTok videos hashtag #jamespotter


Stan Harry JAMES Potter. I think it was time I edited my fav Golden Trio era character. Your daily reminder that Sn*pe sucks. #harrypotter #jamespotter #marauders #maraudersera #severussnape #snape #jily #siriusblack #remuslupin #wolfstar


#JAMESPOTTER - totally inspired by the comments on my last post | #harrypotter #aftereffects #maurauders #mauraudersera


James Potter always gave out hugs to everyone. He always seemed happy, joking around and making everyone laugh. Everyone new who he was and admired him. He is always there for his friends when they need him. But deep down he was sad but no one even noticed. No one noticed when he was at his breaking point, he covered it up so well that no one saw it coming until the day he couldn't hide it anymore and broke down. #jamespotter #jamespotteredit #jamespottersupremacy #prongs #themaraudersera #hp


I heard that "hello love," and life became a little less shitty. these audios are like free therapy to me. #maradeurs #jamespotter


Anyone can be james potter as long as they have tge james-ergy #jamespotter #marauders #aarontaylorjohnson #reikydevalk #mcu #marvel #avengers