TikTok videos hashtag #1010


Embracing the Energies of 10/10/23 🌟 The energy of 10/ 10 is all about new beginnings and closing off on what doesn’t work for you. It’s also a time for spiritual growth, and the manifestation of desires. It is seen as a symbol of starting anew or moving to a different, often higher, level of understanding or existence. Here's what you can do with this energy: - **Reflect on Your Journey:** Use this day to look back on your spiritual and personal journey, acknowledging growth and challenges. - **Set Intentions:** Consider what you want to manifest in your life and set clear, focused intentions toward these desires. - **Meditate:** Spend some time in meditation, connecting with your inner self, and seeking clarity or messages from the universe. - **Express Gratitude:** Show appreciation for everything you have and every experience that has led you to this moment. - **Release What Doesn’t Serve:** Consider letting go of thoughts, relationships, and things that no longer serve your highest good. ##Spirituality ##Numerology##Spiritual##SpiritualGuidance##1010##NewBeginnings##LettingGo##KarmicDebt##karma##SpiritualAwakenings