TikTok videos hashtag #sme


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Thinking of working for an SME? Here are some of the pros and cons #careerstok #careeradvice #applicationtips #SME #SmallBusiness #graduate #student


Here are 4 areas of support that SMEs in Singapore can take note 1. Automation and Productivity: To help SMEs adopt pre-scoped solutions to improve productivity Productivity and Solutions Grant (PSG) Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) 2. Consultancy Project: To hire consultants to customize a solution that is suited for your organization to improve work processes Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) 3. Internationalisation: For SMEs looking to expand overseas (Sales/Business Development/Business Matching) Market Readiness Assistance Grant (MRA) Double Tax Deduction for Internationalisation (DTDi) 4. HR and human capital: For SMEs looking for recruitment, these subsidies will help smoothen the decision to hire certain candidates Career Trial Career Conversion Programme Global Ready Talent Programme #SmallBusiness #singaporebusiness #productivity #sme #entrepreneurship #grant #consulting #internationalbusiness #hr #humancapital #MRA #careertrial