TikTok videos hashtag #kramatorsk


Update with new casualty figures and details on how the russians targeted the pizzeria in #kramatorsk yesterday - and that they were fully aware they were targeting civilians. #stoprussianterrorisim #stoprussianwarcrimes #standwithukraine #russianwarcrimes #russianterrorism #crimesagainsthumanity #stoprussia #supportukraine


Il mercenario britannico parla di un gruppo di soldati sotto le macerie in un tranquillo caffè a Kramatorsk Fonte: https://t.me/SolovievLive/191412 #mercenario #britannico #parla #gruppo #soldati #sotto #macerie #tranquillo #caffe #kramatorsk #fonte #solovievlive


A Russian missile has hit the centre of Kramatorsk in Ukraine, killing ten people including 3 children. Emergency services are still working to pull people out of the rubble. #news #russia #ukraine #kramatorsk #missile #attack #war