TikTok videos hashtag #vegetarianfood


Noodle Stir fry Boil -6 oz (dry) noodles and set aside In a pan or wok, heat a generous amount of vegetable oil and then add -1 tbsp minced garlic -1 tbsp minced ginger sauté for 30 secs and then add -4 mushrooms -1 onion -1/2 bell pepper -handful broccoli florets -1 carrot And cook until they begin to brown and soften but are still fairly crisp. Add the noodles, -1/2 cup soy sauce -1/2 cup hoisin sauce -2 tbsp rice vinegar And stir. Then add -2 spring onion stalks Combine and serve. Top with sesame seeds and extra spring onion and enjoy :) Deutsch🇩🇪 -150-200 g (trockene) Nudeln Nach Anleitung kochen und beiseite stellen. In einer Pfanne oder einem Wok eine großzügige Menge Pflanzenöl erhitzen und dann -1 EL gehackten Knoblauch -1 EL gehackten Ingwer 30 Sekunden anbraten und dann -4 Pilze -1 Zwiebel -1/2 Paprika - Handvoll Brokkoli -1 Karotte Dazugeben und braten bis sie etwas braun, aber trotzen noch knackig sind. Die gekochten Nudeln hinzufügen, -5 EL Sojasauce -4 EL Hoisin-Sauce -2 EL Reisessig -2 Lauchzwiebeln dazugeben und rühren. Dann servieren und mit Sesam und extra Lauchzwiebeln toppen und genießen :) #stirfrynoodles #lomein #lomeinnoodles #lomeinrecipe #stirfry #stirfryveggies #vegan #veganrecipes #veganfood #vegano #vegantiktok #veganrecipe #veganismo #vegana #veganfoodie #veganfoodshare #veganrecipesmadesimple #veganrecipevideos #veganrecipeshare #veganrecipeideas #veganrecipestiktok #veganrecipesforbeginners #veganesessen #veganer #veganesrezept #veganes #vegetarisch #vegetarischerezepte #vegetarischessen #vegetarian #vegetariano #vegetariana #vegetarianrecipe #vegetarianfood #vegetarianos #vegetarianrecipes #EasyRecipe #EasyRecipes #easyrecipessimple #quickrecipes #quickrecipesviral #ricetta #ricette #Recipe #recipes #ricettafacile #ricettaveloce #ricettavegana #ricettavegetariana #ricettasemplice #ricettasemplici


🌱 Looking for a super delicious, quick and easy recipe? Plus you can make it with leftovers! Warning, it was so good I didn’t even make it with leftovers, but I’ll be sure to roast double quantities of veggies so I’m ready for next time. Introducing the #ChristmasAtWaitrose roasted veggie tart with spicy crème fraiche, one of many recipes available on the @waitrose web site. A crisp and flaky puff pastry base (ready rolled, for ease), topped with a layer of gently spiced rose harissa crème fraiche, a rainbow of roasted veggies, nuggets of melting goat cheese, and a scattering of fresh rocket. I used baby rainbow carrots, Romano peppers, red onion, cherry tomatoes and a few sprouts (if you’ve never had roasted sprouts you’re in for a treat). Use any veggies you have lurking in the fridge − it’s a great way to clear out those drawers. This tart was such a success the family have demanded to have it again, very soon! For the plant-based folks, swap out the all-butter puff pastry, crème fraiche and cheese for vegan alternatives 🌈🌱 @waitrose #leftovers #deliciousfood #simplerecipe #Recipe #vegetabletart #puffpastry #familyfood #zerowaste #vegetarianrecipes #vegetarianfood