TikTok videos hashtag #stormdaylightsun


Competition time ! I want you to win $500 USD🎉🎉 make sure you use the hashtag #stormdaylightsun so I can see the videos using the sound in this video ! The song comes out Oct 13 :) use any section of the song you like !! Thanks for the support


Cant wait to give someone $500USD!! To make sure i see your video, head to the link in my profile and pre save my album Wonder, Won’t You? Once you pre save, a form will pop up where you can submit your video! Get creavite ! Use the hashtag #stormdaylightsun


#stormdaylightsun Video clips are downloaded from Pexel. Credits to the owners.


Can’t wait to give someone $500USD ! To make sure I see your video, head to the link in my bio and pre save my album Wonder, Won’t You? Once you pre save the song, a form will pop up where you can submit your video 🙌 I’ll also be making a music video of all my favourite clips that are submitted. Get creative ! And don’t forget to use the hashtag #stormdaylightsun


Its been so amazing to see all the videos being made for this song 😭😭 thank you to everyone for being involved ! #stormdaylightsun


My daylight sun entry for Harrison Storm's contest. My video is ALZHEIMER'S disease and on a lovers Perspective inspired who is struggling to remember everything. He's last clear memory is her on a daylight which servers as clarity on everything that is dark and confusing due to his degenerative disease. At the end everything he remember is wiped but what he did no know is the girl who is always by his side, taking care of him on any god given day without fail always say " love you " even if he has difficulty remembering her. Hope my video gets selected so I can buy milk and medicine for my grandma who is suffering from Alzheimer's. Had fun creating this. thanks Harrison for the opportunity #stormdaylightsun #selflesslove #alzheimerscaregiver #Love


Video contest for Harrison Storm new song Daylight Sun #stormdaylightsun