TikTok videos hashtag #stabbingawareness


Sorry for the previous which got taken down because it weren’t him. I wasnt trying to put any guy in danger. This is still paining my heart - I edited and added a video of our beautiful angel who wasnt even the EX - she was the EXES BESTFRIEND and was just trying to help her bestfriend 💔💔 #croydon #stabbingawareness #knifecrime #MentalHealth #newgeneration - I dont know how he can even laugh about all this… video update coming soon


#eliyanna who left us at such a young age, your laughter and kindness will forever echo in our hearts, reminding us of the beautiful soul we were fortunate to know. Rest peacefully, dear friend. 🕊🕊 #angelrip #heaven #15yearsold #stabbingawareness #eliyanna #croydon #crime