TikTok videos song Simplicity


อุบัติเหตุเกิดขึ้นได้ทุกที่จริงๆนะ #ประกัน #ประกันอุบัติเหตุ #อุบัติเหตุ #ประกันมรดก #ประกันชีวิต #ประกันง่ายๆให้ฝ้ายดูแล #faifaiimtl


does anyone else struggle with balancing domestic home life with work? i am the type who has no capacity to do anything when i get home from the hospital and who also requires PLENTTYYY of rest before i can complete home chores- the nurse hangover is REALL. dont get me wrong- i enjoy living in a clean space, but my husband and i started to notice a huge disconnect between his peak times of productivity and mine. i would often plan to complete tasks on my next off day (bc who is doing dishes after a 12.5 hr shift… couldnt be me) but before i could get to them, they would be done. he was left frustrated, and i was left feeling like i didnt get the opportunity to do my part. thats when we implemented the Fair Play Method. I am the card holder of my tasks and he owns his. The expectation is that we take complete ownership of that chore and the other partner doesnt even have to THINK about it, as long as we are meeting the agreed upon minimum standard of care (when chores should be completed). of course cards are not set in stone and can change, but this is what works for the two of us! 🥰 #fairplay #fairplaymethod #rn #nurselife #offday


#AD 73% of content creators from the disabled community surveyed by Unilever feel lockedout of mainstream advertising, TV & Filmproduction - despite possessing the skillsneeded to work behind the camera. Today Unilever is launching it's Believe in Talent campaign to help change this. #Act2Unstereotype


💓 That JOY when a baby realizes they have a family again. Foxes are extraordinarily social, emotional, familial creatures. Like many other wild animals being rehabbed, it’s CRITICAL that they be raised with litter mates so they can develop properly (good species-specific “social skills” are a must for a successful release back into the wild). I oftentimes get calls from fellow rehabbers who’ve received a singleton fox kit in asking if I can take the baby, because they know how critical socialization is for intakes. I always commend rehabbers for this! …Because honestly, I’ve ALSO seen a lot of newer rehabbers, rehabbers who don’t usually receive fox calls, rehabbers who don’t have the adequate setup for a rapidly-growing kit to exercise its muscles correctly in a big enclosure, etc. that simply want to raise one or two kits because a) they’re adorable and b) they’re cooler than a lot of smaller mammal intakes (I’m biased, I know, but it’s true 😎). Sadly, a lack of littermates and a lack of adequate housing (and/or too much socializing near other species if a rehabber’s space doesn’t have somewhere fox-specific to house them) can do a lot of damage during that critical growth period in the weeks leading up to release age. So moral of the story: Baby foxes need friends. 🦊 #wildliferehab #redfox #rescue


Simplesmente o livro mais lindo do mundo 🤧🥹 comprariam tbm? #éassimqueacaba #itendswithus #coho #BookTok


Você prefere uma plantinha ou 2 reais? 🥹🙇🏼‍♀️


Obrigada por tudo TikTok💛 e obrigada por ser tao perfeita @ivetesangalo #carnavaltiktok *publi