TikTok videos song Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

#دويتو مع @Celine Dion For Life #celinedionforlife 0 AM | Monday, August 31, 2020 Contents Without a doubt, the romantic and suspenseful Titanic movie has won our admiration to this day, so that it dominated all of our hearts, and the story of Rose and Jack has become one of the most #importante important lovers' stories. But it seems that the truth is otherwise. Director James Cameron deliberately combined truth with fiction by making the film, and some of the events in this #filmclips film are pure fiction. Would you like to know them? It seems that the story of the two lovers, #Roseandjack Roseandjack Jack, is written by the novelist of the story. #Rose Rose really existed, but her love story was made up. It seems that all the tears we shed over Jack's death were in vain. The ship's musicians consisting of 8 #people people are #real real, and in fact the band members played the music until the ship fell and all of them sank, which was #depicted depicted in its realistic form The scenes of using manual searchlights to search for survivors of the #sinking sinking are from the director's imagination. When the Titanic sank in 1912, these searchlights were newly made, which required the director's apology for this mistake. The division of the ship into two halves is real, as the film succeeded in filming this scene in high quality, as studies confirmed the validity of this scenario, as it was divided into two halves, one of which was filled with water and sank in the ocean, while the other remained at the top. The Titanic was rescued by the ship RMC Carpathia, which is true, as it responded to distress calls four hours after its launch, but the film overlooked an important fact, which is that the SS California ship was present near the Titanic during its sinking, and it would have arrived faster than the Carpathia, but the captain of the ship He did not respond to the calls and may have saved the ship from sinking at the time The world of the third layer that Jack inhabited, a fantasy on the ship, did not exist in reality. There were only two layers of the population on the ship, and during the sinking, they were not differentiated in treatment, as mentioned in the events of the movie. The policeman's collapse because of the shipwreck panic is pure fiction, and he even ends his own life by committing suicide. This character exists in reality, but the details of his narration to us were from the author's imagination The elderly couple who refused to leave the ship and decided to die side by side on the bed are real people, but their end was different from what was mentioned in the movie, as reports stated that he offered the wife an empty seat in one of the boats, but she refused to abandon her husband, and they were seen for the last time before they drowned while they were They hold hands on deck. #realhistoria #Historic #historico #historic

Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

هذا الكلام اللي يبرد القلب بيض الله وجهك +لاتنسون اعادة نشر للمقطع عشان الكل يشوفه 👏🤍. #سعود_القحطاني #بهاج_الاكلبي #سعودالقحطاني #اكسبلور #explore @سعود القحطاني🇸🇦 @سعود القحطاني ٧٧٧

Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

ابو فيصل 🫡🤍 المقطع الاول انحظر نزلته مره ثانيه #سعود_القحطاني #سعودالقحطاني #منصور_ال_زايد #اكسبلور #explore @سعود القحطاني🇸🇦 @سعود القحطاني ٧٧٧ @منصور ال زايد | Mansour

Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space
Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

#عبدالحليم #غناء_صوتي🎶🎤🎤🎤🎤 #غناء_صوتي🎶🎤🎤🎤🎤♥️♥️♥️♥️🔥 @عبدالحليم / خالد

Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

#عبدالحليم #غناء_صوتي🎶🎤🎤🎤🎤 #غناء_صوتي🎶🎤🎤🎤🎤♥️♥️♥️♥️🔥 @عبدالحليم / خالد

Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

#عبدالحليم #غناء_صوتي🎶🎤🎤🎤🎤 #غناء_صوتي🎶🎤🎤🎤🎤♥️♥️♥️♥️🔥 @عبدالحليم / خالد

Sound effect for 5 minutes reflecting the image of outer space

J1407b, también conocido como "Super Saturno", es un exoplaneta hipotético ubicado en la constelación Centaurus a unos 434 años luz de la Tierra. Aunque no se ha confirmado su existencia de manera directa, es famoso por su sistema de anillos masivos, aproximadamente 200 veces más grande que los anillos de Saturno. Se cree que estos anillos contienen numerosos anillos o lunas del tamaño de la Tierra, lo que lo convierte en un objeto de gran interés para los astrónomos que estudian la dinámica de sistemas de anillos en el cosmos. @jems