TikTok videos song California Dreamin'

California Dreamin'

this is so exposing but for almost a decade of spotify listens averaged out including my terrible teens I think this is good

California Dreamin'

I found a new place where I would live 🤩

California Dreamin'

Two years 👫❤️

California Dreamin'

Operation Linebacker II was the last major operation carried out by the United States during the Vietnam War, similar to previous campaigns such as Operation Linebacker and earlier Operation Rolling Thunder. Strategic Bombings lasted between December 18th to December 29th, 1972 on the cities of Hanoi and Haiphong. Over 20,000 tons of ordnance was dropped making it the largest bombing campaign involving heavy bombers since World World Two. 266 SA-2 missiles were shot at U.S. aircraft effectively shooting down 16 B-52s.