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Follow for more south of france tips ! #miainfrance #france #southoffrance


All you need is love! ❤️ It's almost Valentine's Day, so we're celebrating friendships and love at Edgar's Mission. #farmsanctuary #rescueanimals #animalrescuer #friendsnotfood #ValentinesDay #animalrescue


Meet our tiny new arrivals...Cedric and Simon! 🐑❤️ A massive thank you to our Five Dollar Friday Community for helping these two orphaned lambs find their hooves. Did you know that five dollars can do quite a lot? For every five dollars raised, we’re able to buy 6.5 bottles of formula for our lambs. And if you ask them, they’ll tell you every bottle is priceless. For the price of a soy latte each week, our Five Dollar Friday community, our donors (both monthly and one-off), are truly banding together to save and change the lives of farmed animals with nowhere else to turn. To find out more about joining our Five Dollar Friday Community please click the link in our bio. Thank ewe! 🙏 #animalrescue #farmsanctuary #rescueanimals #tiktokforgood #tiktokpartner #friendsnotfood #lambsoftiktok #givingszn


SOS may have taken the girl bossing too far #travellife #folklore #freelance #boss