TikTok videos song original sound - herbal_oracles

original sound - herbal_oracles

What Herbs/Flowers/Resins/Spices do you like to incorporate into your magick? Today I chose a blend that called to me and gave recognition to the ancestral lineage of practitioners of magick and healers before I stepped foot onto this earth. 🌺Hibiscus holds a feminine energy and represents the Caribbean which is directly within my Hispanic heritage. In spiritual practices throughout the world hibiscus flowers are associated with love and are said to be a quite potent aphrodisiac, as well as being useful in spells and rituals to attract love and lust. 🌼Calendula which was once used by witches to strengthen their hearts and raise their spirits. Calendula offers us an opportunity to move that which has stagnated in our lives. 🌿And Nettle, nettle magic is magic of mothering. She protects herself with her sting, yet is a transformative through nurturing health. She reminds us of our power to shift our thoughts and deeds into a place of nurturing, encouraging personal and environmental growth. Mother Nature always provides. 🌿 I’d love to hear what you like to use and why, and please, let’s have some fun and ask me any question you’d like on herbs you’d like to use in your practice. #witch #witchcraft #witchtips #herbalism #greenwitch #fyp #witchtok