@julialhunt - Julia Hunt Profile


Remove clutter and get your life back ✨ [email protected]



Julia Hunt

@julialhunt ‘s Videos


Julia Hunt


Decluttering is a journey, and it's perfectly fine if you can't dedicate hours every day to it. 💫 Embracing sentimental items such as kids' artwork and cherished photos can be emotionally challenging, and you may find that you want to hold onto them, which is absolutely okay too. There's no one-size-fits-all approach; it's about discovering what suits you and your family over time. Take it at your own pace, beginning with small spaces, and aim for consistency. 🌱 Even just 30 minutes each weekend can yield significant results in a few months. Trust the process! ✨ #declutter #declutteryourlife #decluttering #declutteryourhome #declutterchallenge #declutterlikeamother #clutterfreehome #clutterfreeliving #clutterfreewithkids #minimalism #minimalist #minimalisthome #livingwithless