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One of the errors of the Hanbali madhhab is concerning its allowance for the establishment of the Salat al-Jumu’a (Friday congregational prayers) before the sun passes its zenith, in other words, before noon. The Hanbali madhhab in fact states that the earliest time for the Salat al-Jumu’a is the earliest time for when the Salat al-Eid can be offered (Zad al-Mustaqni p.60) #shafi #maliki #hanbali #barelvi #deobandi #salafi #ashari #maturidi #shiatiktok #foryoupageofficial #fyp #foryoupage #shianetwork #muslimtiktok #islamic_video #shia #iraq🇮🇶 #islamic_vid #history #ArabTikTok #lebanesetiktok #pakistantiktok




Ammar son of Yasir was a beloved disciple and companion of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ but he was martyred at the Battle of Siffin by the forces of Mu’awiya. Thus this prophetic Hadith was fulfilled and proves that Mu’awiya and his camp were the rebellious, transgressing group, and that they were on the side that was inviting to the Hellfire, while the camp they opposed, sayyidina Ali son of Abi Talib and his partisans, were upon the truth and were the ones inviting to Allah and to salvation. Abdur Rahman b. Ma’qil narrates that he was praying with sayyidina Ali (Allah be pleased with him) in the Fajr prayer, during which sayyidina Ali read the Qunut, and invoked Allah against Mu’awiya and his partisans and Amro b. Aas and his partisans, saying: اللَّهُمَّ عَلَيْكَ بِمُعَاوِيَةَ وَأَشْيَاعِهِ ، وَعَمْرِو بْنِ الْعَاصِ ، وَأَشْيَاعِهِ ، وَأَبِي السُّلَمِيِّ ، وَعَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ قَيْسٍ وَأَشْيَاعِهِ Reference: Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba; v. 3 p. 273 #shafi #maliki #hanbali #barelvi #deobandi #salafi #ashari #maturidi #shiatiktok #fyp #foryoupageofficial #foryoupage #shianetwork #muslimtiktok #islamic_video #shia #iraq🇮🇶 #islamic_vid #ArabTikTok #pakistanitiktok




The Ashari scholar Abu Mansour Abdul Qahir al-Baghdadi mentioned the creed of the proto-Ashari imam Abdullah bin Saeed bin Kullab and another Ashari imam, Abul Abbas al-Qalaanisi as affirming the Istiwaa (ascendency) of Allah to mean Him being over and above the Throne: ومنهم من قال ان استواءه على العرش كونه فوق العرش بلا مماسة وهذا قول القلانسى وعبدالله بن سعيد ذكره في كتاب الصفات "And amongst them are those who say that His Istiwaa (ascending) over the Throne is His being above the Throne without contact (mumaassah), and this is the saying of al-Qalanisi, and Abdullah bin Sa'eed [Ibn Kullaab], he mentioned it in Kitaab us-Sifaat." Reference: Usool ud Deen, page #113 #shafi #maliki #hanbali #barelvi #deobandi #salafi #ashari #maturidi #shiatiktok #fyp #foryoupageofficial #foryoupage #shianetwork #muslimtiktok #islamic_video #shia #iraq🇮🇶 #islamic_vid #ArabTikTok #pakistanitiktok




The leader of the Barelwi sect, Ahmad Reza Khan Barelwi, writes "Without doubt, the esteemed eminence (Abdul Qader Jilani) may Allah be pleased with him possesses the rank of shadow prophethood" Bey shak martaba aaliya rafiya huzoor per nour razi Allahu anhu zill martaba nabuwwat hey Reference: Irfan-e-Shari'at Page #84 #shafi #maliki #hanbali #barelvi #deobandi #salafi #ashari #maturidi #shiatiktok #fyp #foryoupageofficial #foryoupage #shianetwork #muslimtiktok #islamic_video #shia #iraq🇮🇶 #islamic_vid #history #muslimtiktok #pakistanitiktok #lebanesetiktok #arabictiktok




Theologically, I ascribe myself to the school of the great Imam of Ahl us-Sunna, Ahmad b. Hanbal (rahimahullah). The old school Hanbalis were accused by their adversaries among the Jahmites, Mu’tazilites, Asharis, Shi’ites, etc., of being Hashwiyya and Mushabbiha (anthropomorphists), meaning those who liken Allah Azza wa Jall to His creation. This, of course, is a grave slander against the pure Sunni-Hanbalis. While there may have been some Hanbali figures (after the passing away of Imam Ahmad) who exaggerated in affirmation of attributes for Allah which have no textual basis, the phenomenon of tashbih and tajsim was preponderant in other sects, schools and tendencies. The Kurdish Shafi’is in parts of modern-day Iran were among the most prominent Mushabbiha of their day. They openly resembled Allah Azza wa Jall to His creation, but had nothing to do with Imam Ahmad or his great school of thought. Likewise, the Karramiyya sect, founded by the charismatic Muhammad b. Karram, ascribed a body to Allah, but they were all Hanafis. Some of the most gross anthropomorphism was found among certain Rafidi Shi’is, like Hisham b. al-Hakam and his followers, and others. Shaikh ul-Islam, Ibn Taymiya (rahimahullah) wrote: المشبهة والمجسمة في غير أصحاب الإمام أحمد أكثر منهم فيهم ، هؤلاء أصناف الأكراد كلهم شافعية وفيهم من التشبيه والتجسيم ما لا يوجد في صنف آخر وأهل جيلان فيهم شافعية وحنبلية . قلت : وأما الحنبلية المحضة فليس فيهم من ذلك ما في غيرهم . وكان من تمام الجواب أن الكرامية المجسمة كلهم حنفية “The Mushabbiha and Mujassima among those who are not of Imam Ahmad’s party are more numerous than those in it. All the Kurdish groups are Shafi’i, and we find more tashbih and tajsim among them than can be found in any other group. The inhabitants of Jilan are Shafi’is and Hanbalis. The pure Hanbalis do not have as much of it in their midst as there is in others. The Mujassima Karramiyya are all Hanafis.” (Majmu al-Fatawa v.3 p.185): #shafi #maliki #hanbali #barelvi #deobandi #salafi #ashari #maturidi #shiatiktok #foryoupageofficial #fyp #foryoupage #shianetwork #muslimtiktok #islamic_video #shia #iraq🇮🇶 #islamic_vid #history #pakistanitiktok




Maliki Fiqh: It is Disliked to Circumcise on the Seventh Day The vast majority of Muslims circumcise their sons in infancy, while some Muslims in North Africa and other places who blindly follow the Maliki jurisprudence, do not circumcise their boys until they reach puberty or a more advanced age. However, the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wasallam) is to circumcise on the seventh day, coinciding with the Aqiqah: عَنْ جَابِرٍ ، قَالَ : " عَقَّ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنِ الْحَسَنِ وَالْحُسَيْنِ وَخَتَنَهُمَا لِسَبْعَةِ أَيَّامٍ " Reference: Qawaneen al-Fiqhiyyah, p. 325 #circumcission #maliki #shiatiktok #foryoupageofficial #fyp #foryoupage #shianetwork #muslimtiktok #islamic_video #shia #iraq🇮🇶 #islamic_vid #history #ArabTikTok #lebanesetiktok #pakistanitiktok #sunnitiktok #sunnislamtiktoks #islamictiktok #tiktokviral #islamicfiqh