@saltandgoldcollection - Salt & Gold Collection Profile


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Salt & Gold Collection

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Salt & Gold Collection


I am joining an estimated 2 million of young Catholics in Portugal at World Youth Day from the 1 - 7 August! That would be like every single person in my home city in Australia packing their bags, getting on a plane and showing up in Lisbon all at the same time. Every 3 years (ish) a different country around the world hosts World Youth Day...kind of like the Catholic Olympics 😆 I'm looking forward to the formation sessions, seeing Pope Francis, worship, the Sacraments, seeing Portugal...but most of all, I'm in anticipation of seeing with my own eyes just how alive the Catholic Church really is. The future of the Church looks good. Young people have a place, a calling, a ministry within the Church. ✈️🚤🗺️🏰🎢🏝️🏔️ #worldyouthday #wyd2023 #portugal #wydportugal #catholicchurch #revival