@luluthemarketer - Lulu the marketer Profile


👩🏻‍💻 Marketing Manager 🎯 Content & social media 👉 Tips you can actually use



Lulu the marketer

@luluthemarketer ‘s Videos


Lulu the marketer


We all want to know why Jess stopped taking to Kevin and why does the tension rise up when Karla and Ross are in the same room! Spill the tea! #luluthemarketer #officedrama #officegossip #officegoss #marketinghumor #marketinghumour #officehumour


Lulu the marketer


Haha just when you thought you were away from that toxic work environment, you’re right back in it! 😂 #toxicworkenvironment #marketinghumor #marketinghumour #worklifebalance #luluthemarketer #workenvironment #newjobtime


Lulu the marketer


Haha YOU DO HAVE RIGHTS! Leaving is a different story of course. I feel like even I’ve been guilty of saying “if you don’t like your job, you should leave it and find something that makes you happy!” Ugh, that’s a very unicorny way of looking at things. Not everyone can leave their jobs. Not everyone has the financial stability and support to go unemployed for a couple months while job hunting. Not everyone is able to easily find jobs at other companies, they might be too specialized to work elsewhere. Life is different for everyone so making the plain statement of “just leave” is a very privileged statement to make. I feel like IF YOU CAN, you should definitely make that jump and look for a healthier work environment. But be mindful not everyone is as lucky. #changingjobs #quitmyjob #worklifebalance #marketingmanager #luluthemarketer #healthyworkplace #toxicworkplace #toxicworkenvironment #marketinghumor #marketinghumour


Lulu the marketer


Outlook should have an option that says “decline meeting because this could be easily fixed/discussed in a chat or email” 👌👌 Less meetings equals more focusing time which then turns into more productivity 🙌. #luluthemarketer #marketinghumor #marketinghumour #teammeeting #teammeetings #workhumour #officehumour


Lulu the marketer


Haha I mean… it’s just that easy! Just make it go viral. 😂😂 Oh man, if only we had the social media algorithm written down in our computers. In my opinion, viral content (TikToks, reels, tweets and posts) depend a little bit on luck. Don’t get me wrong, you’re more likely to go viral in your niche by producing relevant content that’s both entertaining and informational. BUT sometimes even great doesn’t cut it, sometimes stupid stuff gets tons of engagement and that’s just how it works. So don’t be hard on your self if you work in social media 😉. Keep at it, use best practices and product great content, but always remember it’s a weird, random game. #socialmediaforsmallbusiness #socialmediaforbusiness #socialmediamanager #luluthemarketer #socialmediamarketingstrategy #socialmediamarketingtips #socialmediaforbiz


Lulu the marketer


1. “Jacky, can you take notes for this meeting?” If Jacky is an executive assistant then by all means, she should take meeting notes and reminders. The problem is that women (regardless of their role in the company) are often asked to take notes—plan parties, get coffee, order lunch and do other sh*t that isn’t their job. I get it, those are tasks where everyone has to pitch in, but it’s women who disproportionately assume these roles and get asked to handle such tasks. Managers NEED to make sure that this type of work is evenly distributed around the office to avoid encouraging gender stereotypes. 🤓 2. “For a woman, you’re really good at strategy” Any time you start a phrase with “for a woman” you’re immediately undermining that person and making a sexist remark. I get it, you might think this is a compliment but it’s not. It holds the idea that women are inherently incompetent or bad at that activity or trait. You wouldn’t say “for a man, you’re good with math” right? So just take a away that first part and say the compliment on its own 😉. 3. “You should soften your tone in emails” When women are blunt or straightforward they’re more likely to be perceived as rude/unfriendly than men. There’s nothing wrong with asking your teammates to do their job or pushing deadlines in a professional way. Next time you think a female coworker is being too cold, ask yourself if you’d think the same from a man writing the same message. 😜 #womeninbusiness #genderbias #genderdiscrimination #womenintech #luluthemarketer #womeninmarketing #marketingmanager #diversityandinclusion


Lulu the marketer


PP always chooses to give you a hard time at the WORST possible moments! Why??? #powerpointpresentation #luluthemarketer #officehumour #marketinghumour #marketinghumor #workmeetingsbelike


Lulu the marketer


I just finished reading Hootsuit’s social media trends report for 2023 and of course I’m going to share the highlights with you of everything social media marketers can expect to see next year. 😉 #luluthemarketer #socialmediamarketingforsmallbusiness #socialmediamarketingstrategy #socialmediamarketer #socialmediaforsmallbusiness #socialmediaforbusiness #socialmediaforbiz