TikTok video #7159535441409101062 posted by @jj_in_lithuania

Trying 100 new things in Vilnius | Part 13 Workshop was free of charge and organized by storyteller Milda Varnaudkaitė in Miesto laboratorija in Vilnius 🌟 we learned the meaning of storytelling, whats important and how different stories can be depending on what focus we add to. We also learned how sharing a story helps into the integration process 💛 I highly recommend to check out a storytelling event! It was one of the most unique experiences/workshops i participated! 🫂 #13 #vilnius #fyp #storytelling #lietuva #vilniuscity #antakalnis #foryou #tryingnewthings #lithuania #foreignersinvilnius #vilniusuniversity #pramogosvilniuje #vilniuje #vilniusgirl #whattodoinvilnius
