TikTok video #7164132098566065414 posted by @drstephanieslater

General Practice: Pros & Cons✨ My name is Dr Stephanie Slater & I qualified as a GP last month ! The road to GP land wasn’t exactly smooth sailing, but now I’m here I’m very happy with my decision & can’t imagine doing any other speciality ! I know that I’m going to be able to do my job & take care of my well-being. There was a point when GP was the bottom of my list but having 2 years out of training gave me space & time to work it all out & I have zero regrets. I hope you don’t feel pressured into applying for training if you’re not ready ! I experienced this & I nearly made completely the wrong decision ! I got partway through applying for CMT before realising this wasn’t for me AT ALL This post isn’t about convincing you to do GP, it’s about trying to help you find what the right fit is for you ! Ofcourse, I would love you to join me in GP land !! Here’s a list of pros & cons for GP training that I’ve created ! I hope it’s useful 😊 Pros: 🌸 Variety is huge ! 🌸 Flexibility in the job 🌸 No nights/ on calls/ weekends (if you don’t want) 🌸 Continuity of care - this really enhances my job satisfaction 🌸 Due to training/ jobs being less competitive there aren’t often problems living where you want to live ! 🌸 Can do GPSI - work as part GP, part something else 🌸 Control/ independence in patient management 🌸 Training is only 3 years & can be less intense that other specialities Cons: 🥀 Less research opportunities (but you can do it!) 🥀 Shorter appointment times 🥀 Less interventions (although can still do minor op/ ultrasound/ injections) 🥀 Can feel isolated (tends to be workplace dependent) 🥀 Lower salary if not working full time/ not a partner 🥀 Unfortunately GPs get a lot of hate from the media My hope is that we can all find careers that allow us to take care of our well-being whilst doing our job ! Remember, our health is the most important thing. Take care of you 💙 #gp #generalpractice #generalpractitioner #wellbeing #doctorwellbeing #doctormentalhealth #doctor #doctorcareer #juniordoctor #MentalHealthAwareness
