TikTok video #7192527328898010414 posted by @guardianofthesprings

Training underwater is something I've been doing for several years now and one of my favorite forms of training πŸ’™ One of the questions I get asked the most is how I train to hold my breath for so long so here it is πŸ˜€ Training to extend my breath-hold involves lots of different techniques. One of those techniques, and my favorite, is underwater rock running. πŸƒ It is a form of hypoxic training that forces the body to learn how to work better, even when the regular, consistent supply of oxygen isn’t available. It’s a great low-impact form of endurance training; that works wonders on your lung capacity and ability to cope with stressful situations. It is one of my favorite ways to train because it challenges me in ways I can’t be challenged on land. Breath-hold training is an essential part of freediving and something I do every day. Disclaimer: The actions performed in this video are done by a trained & certified professional. DO NOT attempt the actions in this video unless you have proper training & a safety diver with you. Never do any form of breath-hold training, hypoxic training, or freediving without a buddy watching you. Shallow water blackouts are no joke. Safety first. πŸ“· @gopro Hero 9 Wearing my @hook360 pants and top πŸ’ͺ Use code MICHI at checkout to get 10% off your entire order 🌊 #rockrunning #underwaterrockruning #freediver #freediving #onebreath #breathhold #freedive #freedivelife #learningtofreedive #howtofreedive #freedivetraining #underwatertraining #freedive101 #certifiedfreediver #floridasprings #underwaterworkout #workingoutunderwater #underwaterworkouts #freedivecertification #freediveflorida #apnea#trainingunderwater #padi #padifreediver #saveoursprings #freshwatersprings #underwatergirl
