TikTok video #7202212101530602753 posted by @zus.bysnz

"KENAPA MUKA MACAM TU?" The amount of insecurity back then Allah SWT je yang tahu tau. 😭😭 Hari² tengok cermin in hopes for skin to get better. Macam² da try; from skincare to supplements tak jalan juga. Sampai lah I jumpa Ainaa. Alhamdulillah, semua nya dari Allah SWT. Kita usaha selebihnya kita serahkan kepadaNya. Ainaa has hundreds or even thousands of good reviews . It's affordable and effective. And to me, really basic routine. Tak leceh! 😍 If you feel lost and like giving up with your skin, don't be. DM me and I will hold you hands to help you get out from your skin concern okay. In shaa Allah. ❤️
