TikTok video #7219753890705673514 posted by @peoplesforumnyc

STOP scrolling and listen to this #MiyaExplain. Have you heard of the Jakarta method? ❗️In 1965–66, the U.S. assisted the Indonesian regime in killing 1 to 3 million communists, and forcing over 1 million into concentration camps. ❗️U.S. made anti-communist propaganda, trained thousands of Indonesian military officers, and provided military aid to the regime. The CIA leaked lists of thousands of suspected communists to be targeted in military’s terror campaign. ❗️Western media outlets quickly jumped in to justify the takeover by Suharto, often with racist undertones: “violent Asia, where life is cheap.” ❗️U.S. deployed these anti-communist regime change tactics in Brazil, Chile, Nicaragua and all around the world. ❗️As organizers, we need to study how the U.S. historically implemented immense violence around the world to destroy progressive political movement and any alternative to capitalism, and we need to strategize how to fight it. _________ To learn more, get the book Jakarta Method from @1804Books, and come to our class on Indonesia next weekend 4.13 -15: Unfinished Ferment: Indonesia from Independence to Today Registration link: https://peoplesforum.org/indonesia #jakarta #jakartamethod #indonesia
