TikTok video #7231576752991112490 posted by @spi11y

37 Hour Fast for Day 37 of My 90 Day Challenge I wanted to do a prolonged fast for three main reasons! 1. To do something mentally and physically challenging. I want to keep challenging myself to build a stronger body, a stronger mindset, and to overall add character. Sitting with hunger is not fun, especially when you’re within arms reach of your refrigerator, but staying disciplined, reminding yourself that the hunger will pass, refraining from temptation, and living with being uncomfortable is training my body and mind to deal with tough SH*T. 2. To speed up fast loss. A goal for my 90 Day challenge has been to eat at a 500 calorie deficit a day to optimize fat loss. I have been really consistent with this up until the last week or so. A daily 500 calorie deficit over one week totals to a 3,500 calorie deficit for the week. 3,500 calories is equivalent to the number of calories needed to burn 1 LB of fat. My body burns about 2,700 per day, so extending that over 37 hours means I have burned around 4,000 calories in that time without consuming any food. So, it’s very possible I have achieved at least 1 LB of fat loss in this time when normally it’d take me a week. 3. To speed up Autophagy. After 24 hours of fasting, our body speeds up the process of breaking down old, broken, and damaged cells and recycles/repairs them into new healthy ones, otherwise know as autophagy. My cells our now better equipped to fight off disease and combat aging, plus a ton of other benefits! I really only had a couple periods of feeling really hungry, but staying busy and drinking water with electrolytes helped pass the hunger. I also only felt a little low on energy towards the end of day yesterday. Other than that, I believe my commitment to eating healthy and exercising helped me get through this fast easier than someone not committed. That being said talk to your doctor and do your own research before trying a prolonged fast. I also tracked my weight during this fast. I started at 179.0 LBS (keep in mind I had just eaten a big dinner). I am now 175.0 LBS. I’ll let you conclude what you will from that! #fast #fasting #36hourfast #fastingforhealth #fastingtips #fastingbenefits
