TikTok video #7239457259326147886 posted by @devintryan

I'd live here.... "White are our deeds, black are our battles, / Green are our tents, red are our swords" 1.Kuwaitis are a minority in their own country 2.The official language of Kuwait is Arabic 3.The Kuwaiti Dinar is the most valuable currency in the world 4.Kuwait has no UNESCO World Heritage Sites 5.Kuwait has no renewable freshwater resources #kuwait #q #kuwaitinstagram #kuwaitcity #kuwaitinstagram #kuwaity #kuwaitphoto #kuwaitfashion #kuwaitgirls #kuwaitinsta #kuwaityat #kuwaitfood #instagram #kuwaitwomen #kuwaitstyle #kwt #kuwaitpic #kuwaitinstgram #kuwaitnews #city #kuwaitart #kuwait #photography #kuwaitlife #kuwaitfitness #pic #kuwaitcars #kwai #kuwaitoffers #dubai
