TikTok video #7243684355061681410 posted by @minneesday

Parenting Tips: 7 tips to help you have a better dining out experience with your baby “When can you start?” You can start whenever you feel ready! Don’t feel pressured to dine out with your baby just because everyone else is doing it. You know what’s best for your baby. If you’re certain that dining out with your baby won’t be a pleasant experience, it’s better to wait until you feel more comfortable. We didn’t let Bella eat out with us until she was almost 11 months old. Although sometimes she did joined us at the cafe when she was younger (but she didn’t eat with us), we always had to hurry because of her nap schedule, so it was quite stressful for us. Once she got older and had longer wake windows, it became much easier for us to dine out with her. Here are some tips we followed to have a better dining out experience: 1. Choose family-friendly restaurants with a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Avoid formal or quiet settings that may make it difficult for your toddler to stay calm and quiet. 2. Instead of immediately giving toys, engage your child in the dining-out process by talking to them and involving them. Use toys as a last resort when they start to become impatient. 3. If your baby is not already accustomed to screen time, avoid giving them screens while dining out. Encourage them to enjoy mealtime with you by engaging them in the surroundings and conversation. 4. Plan your dining outing around your toddler’s nap and meal schedule to prevent hunger or tiredness, which can lead to crankiness or tantrums. 5. Unless your baby is extremely hungry, avoid serving them baby food before your food arrives. Instead, keep them occupied and ask them to wait so you can eat together. 6. While waiting for the food to arrive, keep your baby or toddler engaged and prevent boredom and restlessness. 7. Be prepared for unpredictability, as babies can become fussy or restless despite your efforts. Stay calm, be flexible with your plans, and prioritize your baby’s comfort and well-being. Remember, parenting is a journey, and you are not alone! 💙 #parentingtips #babytraveltips #babyeating #blwinspiration #blwbaby #babyledweaning #parentinghacks #babytravel
