TikTok video #7249093189540334874 posted by @lifeatconnies

Signs that my 2 year old may be neuro-diverse.. I always post the ‘highlights’ of our life but there are things that a lot of people don’t see. I think I have been in ‘denial’ that he is most likely neuro-diverse, like his Dad, not that it’s a bad thing but I’ve always come to conclusions that it’s just his speech that is delayed. But there have been too many signs in the past few months which I just can’t ignore. He masks extremely well most of the time in public, so some people I know may be suprised at these. He is generally a very happy, chilled little lad, apart from when he’s not, and we have daily battles with his routine and transitions, and he struggles massively with communication. We will get through this, but its going to be a tough journey. I love you always pickle 💛
