TikTok video #7249735964405533998 posted by @drnicolebaldwin

Parents (especially moms) hear me: YOU WILL NOT SCREW UP YOUR KIDS IF YOU LOSE IT IN FRONT OF THEM ON OCCASION. I hear from soooo many parents who feel guilty because they feel that they aren’t parenting “perfectly.” Here’s a little secret - there’s no such thing as a perfect parent! And honestly parenting strategies that work for one child often don’t work for another. If you’re reading a book or following someone on social media that says they have discovered THE ONE perfect way to parent - they are lying. I’ve raised 2 children and had to employ VERY different strategies for both. And guess what - I yelled at them sometimes…I was impatient sometimes…I didn’t always offer explanation for everything I asked them to do. And you know what - they’re pretty amazing adults. Because I also apologized when I lost my 💩, I showed love to them daily and I was there for them when they needed me. When you get angry in front of your child and then you allow them to watch you self regulate, calm down, and apologize for your outburst you are MODELING the behavior you want from them. That’s how kids learn! Of course I’m not suggesting you lose it on purpose (and if you find you’re losing it frequently, it might be a good idea to reach out for help), but I hope this helps relieve some guilt in those times that you do lose it. Parenting is hard as hell! Please don’t let someone guilt you for not doing it “perfectly!” #parenting #parentsoftiktok #drbaldwinsays #pediatrician #parentingtoddlers #parentingtips
