TikTok video #7250178622470753579 posted by @wgctoday

The most important thing is not to be too harsh on yourself. While fireworks season can be an exciting time for many, this time of year can be really difficult for people with PTSD. Fireworks displays can be beautiful to look at, but the loud noises they create can be triggering if someone has trauma from an experience in their past. It's important we don't forget about people with PTSD during fireworks season. It's also important that those struggling know where to turn for support. Some things you can do to manage around fireworks -Remind yourself that you are safe -Schedule distracting activities that you enjoy during these periods -Use physical grounding techniques -Use weighted blankets -Try to not turn to avoidance -Use ear defenders, especially if you're very close to fireworks -Practise breathing techniques #fourthofjuly #ptsd #veterans #trauma #relax #mindfulness #fireworks
