TikTok video #7250942896050916651 posted by @ajrbrothers

Hey guys, we want to be really honest with you about what’s going on in our lives right now. For a year now, our Dad has been getting sicker and sicker. It’s been a horrible, insane, scary, beautiful year, and in the short future, it feels like our time with Gary might soon be over. We hope you guys can understand, we gotta cancel the upcoming July shows and spend as much time with him as possible. (All your tickets will be refunded of course.) As we wrote the TMM album this past year, the emotions we went through ended up finding their way into the music, so when that comes out, hopefully it will shine more of a light into what we went through. We’re all lucky to have had the best Dad ever, and to have known such a caring, generous, loving human being. Love you guys so much, and speak soon.
