TikTok video #7252418663993609518 posted by @micheline.maalouf

Instrumental parentification means you were responsible for taking care of household responsibilities that were beyond your age. You essentially ran your home. This is extremely common in immigrant households. Here are some ways we can be instrumentally parentified: 1. You were responsible for taking care of the bills and payments for the household 2. You kept inventory of what was needed at home and possibly even took over shopping and meal prep 3. You were responsible for your siblings, belong with homework, making sure they were ready and dressed for school, and even bathing them and taking care of hygiene needs 4. You accompanied and became the translator between your parents doctors appointments, teacher conferences and other necessary appointments. 5. You were responsible for the functions of the home and the well being of your parents physical states. For example caring for a sick or mentally Ill parent In some cultures children are expected to show up in certain ways. Gender roles of girls cook and clean and take care of siblings and make sure not to anger parents. In these situations the children may have more knowledge of the how the system they live in works and therefore the parents depend on the children to take care of adult tasks like make phone calls and translate #parentification #parentifiedchild #cptsd #empath #cptsdsurvivor
