TikTok video #7252735033616633130 posted by @sweethippie92

This is #cancer more importantly THIS IS #neuroblastoma and it usually presents its self in children 4 and under but don’t get me wrong it can happen to any kid any age At birth even! Neuroblastoma is aggressive and tricky, treatment can totally work for some spots, then new spots (TUMORS) pops up in other places. They haven’t gave me 100% confirmation, but it’s NOT BROKEN 😞 All they’ve done is admitted her, that’s lead me to believe it’s definitely CANCER 😭! I pushed hard last night for more scans, made sure the docs know I’m not here to be waiting around, I’d hate for her to loose her ability to use that leg or foot! Y’all don’t even know the reality of what can happen to her foot or leg if we can not get a grasps on this! PLEASE PRAY! I hate this all so much. We had so many summer plans, that have gotten canceled one after another. It was a lot easier when she was smaller and had no clue what was really going on. Each time we are here now I see her mental health decline. We try and make the most of small moments :( God please give Delilah, myself and our entire family strength to keep going! Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. #cancersucks #delilah #loveisbiggerthancancer #lovealwayswins #MentalHealth #cancermom #explorepage #explore #instagram #california #fyp #foryou #nueroblastomawarrior #fighikeakid #childhoodcancer
