TikTok video #7257121707322920234 posted by @j.t.odonnell

How To Make Your Resume More Impressive To Recruiters 👍👍👍👍👍😀 there's one technique I've been teaching as a career coach for over 20 years to help people make their resumes more impressive to recruiters. and that is to quantify their results and use numbers. numbers are the easiest thing to read and absorb on a resume and when you put your numbers on there you can help a recruiter better understand the depth of your experience. in this video I walk you through examples of how you should Circle every now and every verb on your resume and use that as your guideline for quantifying. if you're not sure what the numbers are conservatively guesstimate. just make sure you go lower than what you think they were so that you can back it up. the reality is recruiters are looking to understand if you're a match for the job and when they have numbers to back it up it's easier for them to go to the hiring manager to prove you are the candidate that should be considered. in short you can make yourself more impressive with this very simple technique. and thanks to tiktok I now have been able to put together the 25 most common resume and Linkedin questions I get asked as a career coach and all the answers are right here in one place for you to access them. I hope this helps you set up your resume and Linkedin profile so you can stand out and get the interviews you deserve! #resume #resumetips #resumeadvice #resumehelp #linkedin #jobsearch #careercoachontiktok #careerhelp #careeradvice #howtofindajob #linkedinprofile #linkedintips
