TikTok video #7264016295304105258 posted by @treatmyocd

Reassurance might feel better in the short term- but in the long run it just teaches your brain that the threat was real. Each time you give into asking for reassurance (from a partner, friend, religious leader…) it just keeps the cycle in its tracks. We help people deal with reassurance every day here at NOCD! Link in bio to learn more about our therapy services. #ocdawareness #rocd #pureocd #scrupulosityocd #mentalhealthmatters #justrightocd #MentalHealth #pureo #hocd #postpartumocd #soocd #ocd #harmocd #normalize #ocdlife #therapytiktok #relationshipocd #realocd #ocdproblems #contaminationocd #MentalHealthAwareness #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #contamination #intrusivethoughts #germaphobe #anxiety #TherapyTok
