TikTok video #7273982183402949930 posted by @devintryan

MOST EXPENSIVE 'HOUSE' IN THE WORLD Ever thought your apartment was too small? Just toured Buckingham Palace, and let me tell you, they REALLY solved the 'not enough closet space' issue. Swipe left for what it looks like when your home is also a country's treasury, museum, and history book, all in one. Between the gilded ceilings and rare art, I was half-expecting to bump into Scrooge McDuck taking a gold coin swim. Security is so tight, even James Bond would need a GPS to navigate through. "The name's Guard. Palace Guard." Could you live here without getting lost? Let's hear your royal fantasies below! #BuckinghamPalace #RoyalCrib #HomeTour #WhereIsMyCrown #MostExpensiveHouseEver #BritishRoyaltyGoneWild #PalacioDeBuckingham #EsUnCastilloYUnaCasa
