TikTok video #7281467959644540203 posted by @herbal_oracles

π”π”žπ”Ÿπ”¬π”« 𝔅𝔩𝔒𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔀𝔰 ᛉ Mabon is a pagan holiday celebrating the autumnal equinox. In the northern hemisphere, it will be celebrated on the 23rd of September, however the southern hemisphere has already celebrated on March 20th. The name Mabon comes from the Welsh God, who was the son of the Earth Mother Goddess. Typically to celebrate Mabon, apple picking is tradition, others might perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to their lives, as this holiday celebrates a day with equal light and day. If you’re without a large space to create an altar in celebration of Mabon, I have shared a simple yet beautiful way to create an altar in honor of the autumnal equinox. Blessings to you all and may you allow yourself to release what no longer serves you, as autumn is a representation of death and transformation accepting the impermanence of things. β€’ #witch #witchcraft #pagan #paganholiday #autumnequinox #altar #magick #witchtips #wheeloftheyear #folklore #folkmagic #greenwitch #greenwitchcraft #hearthwitch #folkwitch #witchtok #fyp
