TikTok video #7283882371777269038 posted by @avnibarman_

If you’re at the Grace Hopper conference right now and you’re here for a job, I hope this video finds you. Don’t stand in those recruiter lines for 6 hours! That’s lowkey physical abuse and it’s probably not going to be that helpful in getting a job anyways. Instead do this - Option 1: Take pics or write down the names of the recruiters from each company that came to the conference. After send them all a quick few lines that you loved meeting them at GHC (itsokay if you didn’t, they won’t remember) and that you would love to move forward in the process. Attach your resume. Don’t ask them for their email, find it online later. Option 2: Have thoughtful conversations with the engineers from the companies that came to GHC. Write them a note after the conference with a unique insight about the convo you had and watch them push your resume to the recruiter at their company. If you do this loop enough times, someone will respond!! Job searching is a numbers game. And don’t forget I got my job at LinkedIn from GHC 4 months after the conference was over! Don’t feel defeated, this is just the start of your journey. Rooting for you!! 💖 #gracehopper #ghc #conference #recruiter #jobhunting #networking #coldemail #jobtips #ghc2023 #womenintech #softwareengineer #newgrad #fulltime #internships #greenscreen
