TikTok video #7283991004510686465 posted by @islamic_diplomat

In this video, I’ll provide a brief proof for Athari Aqidah from the Quran and the Sunnah. For those unfamiliar, Athari is a methodology stating we should understand Islam the same way the first three generations of Muslims did. #muslimtiktok Surah Tawbah verse 100 reveals who Allah is pleased with and who will achieve paradise. It mentions the emigrants and the helpers, companions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and those who followed them in goodness. Since we are not the companions, how can we be among those Allah is pleased with? Here, the third group, those who followed the companions in goodness or righteousness, becomes significant. This aligns with what the Caliphs say about following the companions in goodness and righteousness. Regarding the Sunnah, we have a hadith where Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) instructs us to adhere to his Sunnah and the rightly guided Caliphs – that includes Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman, and Ali – and to avoid newly invented matters in religion, as every innovation is misguidance. This is found in Hadith 28 of the 40 Hadith an-Nawawi. Lastly, Tirmidhi 2165 states the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) instructed us to stick to his companions, then those who come after them, and then those who follow. This implies the companions, their students, and their students’ students.”1. #Islam 2. #Quran 3. #Sunnah 4. #Hadith 5. #AthariAqidah 6. #MuslimFaith 7. #IslamicTeachings 8. #ProphetMuhammad 9. #ReligiousEducation 10. #IslamicBeliefs
